If you are looking for beauty, truth, and goodness, you have come to the right place.
Orthodoxy is a big topic, because the Orthodox Church is the same Church in your Bible: we have been worshiping God this way since the time of the Apostles. There is a lot that a person could learn, but there is no need to hurry, and no single way that is better than alternatives.
It's important to realize that the Church is for everyone. Some people are drawn to Orthodoxy through reading books, thinking deeply, and asking questions: they are at home here. Others are enriched by just coming to church and standing in prayer during the services: they are equally at home here.
If you have never been to an Orthodox church, come get to know us and worship with us! Be prepared to experience worship that may differ from what you have seen before. Questions are welcome (usually after the service ends, but simple questions about what's going on are almost always ok).
If you want to know more before you visit, a good place to start is OrthodoxIntro. Another good source is Ancient Faith Radio, where you'll find lots of material to read and listen to, by trustworthy guides.

The Orthodox Way